“Don’t underestimate me because I’m quiet. I know more than I say, think more than I speak and observe more than you know.”

– Michaela Chung

Are you an introvert?

Introverts are energized by time alone and their inner world, private, share with a select few, think things through inside their heads before they act, listen more than talk, are good at drawing out feelings from others, prefer depth to breadth, prefer to follow their own conscience, may not get their ideas heard at meetings, may feel invisible, ruminate, wish they were good at quick comebacks, feel overwhelmed by attending parties or working in large groups. Introverts recharge when they’re alone.

If this resonates with you, you are likely an introvert. There’s nothing wrong with you. You were born with brain wiring that may be more sensitive to dopamine or longer neural pathways that use acetylcholine. Although there is a strong cultural preference in North America for extraversion, we need both temperaments for balance.

Counselling for introverts

I’ve helped introverted clients with dealing with overstimulation, self acceptance, becoming seen and understood for who they truly are, using their quiet leadership style effectively, handling conflict, career choice, getting heard at meetings, quick comebacks, meeting and greeting, learning to find other introverts and initiate relationships instead of only accepting others’ invitations. I use CBT, positive role models, sharing resources, normalizing, validating, encouraging, EMDR, Super-Resourcing, rehearsing scripts for challenging situations, boundary setting, leadership skills training. I give a lot of positive feedback and reflective homework, which help introverts thrive.